
You Are What You Drink

In life, we deal with stereotypes on the regular. We’re judged by what clothes we wear, what hairstyle we have, what music we are into, the list goes on and on. Do you think you can read a person based on the beer they drink? Read below and see if you fall into any of these beer stereotypes.

If you like Imperial Stouts, than you’re probably into heavy metal music. Why? Most Imperial Stouts have names that are indicative of the dooms and the glooms.


  • North Coast Old Rasputin
  • SingleCut Heavy Boots of Lead (taken from Black Sabbath’s Iron Man)
  • 3 Floyds Dark Lord – Interesting fact about Dark Lord, you have to purchase tickets and go to the brewery in Indiana to purchase this (we know there have been multiple pilgrimages from Rochester to do this) – there is also a metal festival that coincides with the release of the beer. Devil horns!


  • Black Sabbath
  • Mastodon

If you like Standard IPAs, than you’ve probably played disc golf at least once in your life and attend at least one outdoor music festival per year. Kudos to you, though – while the rest of the world was pounding sixers of “macros,” you were smart enough to get on the IPA train.


  • Troegs Perpetual IPA
  • Green Flash West Coast IPA
  • Three Heads Kind IPA

Playlist :

Anything jammy

If you like Pilsners, then chances are you’re a big fan of 80s and 90s college rock. Your palette has aged just as well as your favorite college albums. So now instead of listening to Pavement’s Slanted and Enchanted and downing a six-pack of Coors Light, you listen to the reissue and drink some of these tasty pilsners.


  • Javer Pilsener
  • Smuttynose Vunderbar!
  • Sierra Nevada Nooner Pilsner

Playlist :

  • Built to Spill There’s Nothing Wrong With Love Reissue
  • The Afghan Whigs Gentlemen at 21 Reissue