
Highland Park Conservancy Offers Autumn Walking Tours

The Highland Park Conservancy will be offering a series of free walking tours in the park this fall. Here are some highlights:

Landscape Architecture Tour: What makes Highland Park a masterpiece of American art? Experience the rich legacy of the Frederick Law Olmsted design, expressed in landform, paths of movement, plantings and scenic views. Join JoAnn Beck, landscape architect, in a walk through our late 19th c. landscape. Septem- ber 10, 2016 – 10:00 AM. at the Lamberton Conservatory.

Tree Tour: What makes Highland Park a world-class arboretum? Explore the tree collections, including the rare, the exotic, and the indigenous species, in all their autumnal glory. Join Susan Maney, horticulturalist with the Monroe County Parks Department, for this annual tour.

October 8, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the Lamberton Conservatory.

Tour of the Veterans’ Garden: What better way to honor Veter- an’s Day! One of the veterans who maintains the Veterans’ Garden will lead us on this annual tour. November, date to be determined at the Veteran’s Memorial parking lot off South Avenue just south of Highland Avenue.

Please consider joining the Highland Park Conservancy. Visit us on facebook for news and updates. Or check our website, www.high- New website coming soon!!!