
BASWA Helps Bring LED Lighting to the South Wedge

After many years of negotiations, BASWA and the City of Rochester have reached an agreement that will provide the South Wedge area with an upgrade to the streets lights on South Avenue from Byron Street to Linden Street. Funding for the new LED street lights is being shared by both organizations. BASWA is providing funds from the proceeds of their annual fundraiser, the Rochester Real Beer Expo in addition to private donations from area business and property owners, listed below.

The lights were selected by BASWA board members and chosen for their historic style which will enhance this National Historic District and complement the street benches and planters also purchased and maintained by BASWA. The new street poles will include banner brackets and hanging flower arms.

The project to upgrade the lights will last approximately three months and is scheduled to begin this summer. According to Kelley, Street Light Program Coordinator for the City of Rochester, there are approximately 500 LED lights throughout the city but expects to have 4,000 LED lights installed throughout residential areas in Rochester by Labor Day. The new LED lights will cut the electricity usage in half compared to the current lights. Kelley, who has been working with BASWA on the project for many years, says, “We are excited to work in this public/private partnership to achieve the lighting style that fits the historic neighborhood. The unique lighting design selected by BASWA will help define the historic South Avenue Area business district and provide pedestrian-friendly lighting.”

BASWA is continuing to work with local commercial property owners to offset part of the expense of the lights through donations. By using BASWA funds combined with donations, the business association has eliminated the need for a special tax assessment which would have increased taxes for the commercial property owners for the next 15 years. At this time the following businesses have committed to donating funds towards this lighting campaign:

The Maier Family / Kenron & Property Owners

Lyjha Wilton / La Casa & Boulder Coffee & Wilton Enterprises

Karrie Laughton / Lux Lounge

Jennifer Posey & Madelyn Kerber / Hedonist Chocolates & Little Button Craft

Jim Wolff & Chris Jones / Historic Houseparts & Period Bath Supply Co./ Apothicaire

If you would like to donate to the BASWA Street Lighting Capital Campaign please contact Chris Jones at [email protected].