My, my, my…you are looking thirsty! And I am here to be your beacon of hope!
We’re about to kick-off another Rochester Real Beer Week; the 6th to be exact. And to say that I am excited would be an understatement. I am pretty sure that you probably agree. Am I right? I know that I am; it’s kind of my thing ;). We challenged this city to come up with an amazing smorgasbord of events to choose from and they didn’t mess around. The venues, breweries and distributors involved have been working diligently at coming up with a plethora of creative, well-thought out special events for you to choose from.
We put this guide together, in hopes that it would be your bible for the week, although it may just further perplex you as to where you need to be and what you may want to do….
As you see my silly picture to the right, introducing Rochester Real Beer Week 2017, something strikes me: Who do you think is the face of beer in this glorious city? It may be clear in your mind, but I find it to be a perplexing deliberation. Why? Whelp, beer in Rochester is blowing up left and right. It probably feels like everywhere you turn, there is a new brewery popping up generating excitement. Maybe even confusion. So many beers to try, so little time. Rochester Real Beer week can be just as confounding.
In my eyes, this is a good thing. A rising tide lifts all boats, as they say. And the more talent, the more passion; the more people that care about this ‘little’ thing called beer that binds us together the better. This city that we call our own is something to be proud of. From a cultural perspective. From a beer perspective. I can tell you that this city is an amazing representation of what a true beer community should look like, and I’m proud of it.
Beer is something different to everyone. For some, it’s their craft. For some, their hobby or passion. But in the end, it’s simply beer. It’s the grease that helps spin the social wheel. Of romance. Of sport rivalries. Of musical taste. And political debates. It helps facilitate discussion and bring people together. It’s walking into your favorite bar and knowing you’ll see some friends or a smiling bartender you can share a beer with.
In the end, beer matters because it breeds community.
I love this city. The beer. And our people.
I love you all.